Lily Hevesh

Lily Hevesh is a professional Domino Artist and YouTube Creator (@Hevesh5) who designs, builds, and topples thousands of dominoes to create beautifully intricate chain reactions. Her work has been viewed over 1.8 billion times on social media where she has over 4,000,000 subscribers. As the #1 world-renowned Domino Artist and Forbes 30 Under 30 Lister, Lily has worked with Fortune 100 brands including Google, Disney-Pixar, Marvel, Ford, Johnson & Johnson, and Marriott to make eye-catching commercials and once-in-a-lifetime events. Her Domino Art has even caught Hollywood’s attention, where she has worked with Will Smith, Katy Perry, Jimmy Fallon, and James Corden, and has been featured on ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NBC. Recently, she has partnered with toy giant Spin Master to release her own line of precision-engineered toppling dominoes called “H5 Domino Creations.” Lily’s mission is to encourage others to be creative, learn by doing, and get involved in this STEAM-based hobby and art form.